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There is nothing dull or boring about you, dear Sagittarius. You enjoy life in the fast lane - whatever that means to you personally - and you have the energy and the love of life to make your dreams come true. This year, your life can be as exciting and as fast-paced as you'd want it to be. This will be a great year for pursuing those dreams and ensuring you have no regrets. Many paths will be open to you, and your adventurous spirit might compel you to travel down a few that are rather unorthodox in 2019. You should be feeling bold and brave and ready to try things you didn't have confidence for in years past. You are fun-loving and very sociable, and this year you may have quite a number of reasons to have a party or to celebrate moments of happiness in your own unique way. In the past, you were often held back by indecision and impatience, but you have overcome some of the reasons for that recently. Part of your reason for being impatient in the past was that you have little tolerance for boredom or the dull moments in life, but you have managed to rein in yourself in that respect and you are now more "mature" and wiser in your approach to your goals. This will benefit you enormously this year. This could be a very lucky year for people born under the sign of the Archer, so stay aware of the opportunities that are coming your way and choose the targets for your arrows wisely.



Your social life should be especially enjoyable this year, Sagittarius, and many of those memorable moments could form a lovely backdrop to your love life. For single people of your sign, your social life may be the source of meeting someone very special this year. But before you do, you may meet a range of interesting characters. When you meet a unique individual who draws you in as no one has in the past, you will know instantly that this is someone you really want to get to know. If you already have a significant other, your social life will offer a variety of bonding experiences that will bring you two closer together in a very fun-loving way. You may have some rough spots where your love life is concerned around the middle of the year. There could be a disagreement about your home life - from where you live to what you want to do with your living space. There could also be some conflict over money or over some material luxury purchase that you can't agree on. But these are small things that will be easy to overcome if you don't take yourself too seriously and if you try to be as flexible and loving as possible throughout any disagreement. Once you rise above these and other minor skirmishes, you should enjoy a very sweet and poignant romantic life throughout the balance of 2019.



You have a very strong and assertive personality, Sagittarius. Naturally, when there are family members you clash with, those encounters can be fraught with drama and heartache. There may be someone in your family that you find especially difficult to get along with. Last year there may have been moments of improvement within this relationship, and you may have briefly held hope that it could get better - but that may not have happened. This year you will have a chance at a do-over, and you would be wise to take it too. There may be awkward moments, and there may be times when you just want to give up on this forever, but if you dig in and really try to embrace this person - despite your many differences - the relationship will offer you a future filled with love and joy. That's much better than feeling alienated and alone. There are happy family events on the horizon like an engagement or marriage or a birth event that can be especially joyful for you in 2019. You may even have some involvement in the planning of the event, contributing your talents to the festivities in some way.



Your outstanding social skills will carve out a lucrative path for you in your career and finances this year, Sagittarius. You are quite the "people person" when you want to be, and your charm and likeability with the right people will open doors and pave the way for great success. You are the author of your story here, and you can accomplish whatever you want. You may meet someone in a social capacity who could have coveted connections for you. You may also find yourself in the role of contributing to business-connected social events. You may also find yourself on the receiving end of some wonderfully fortunate tips and advice for enhancing your finances. There could be either a beneficial job change or a promotion at some point this year - more likely in the second half of the year. This could be something very different from what you have done in the past, but it will be quite interesting and very appealing to you to the point where it feels more like play than work. There would be a learning curve, of course, but you will sail through it easily. For those of you who are contemplating your own business, this is a great year to strike out on your own. Throughout the year, your momentum will build, and this could be a great time to increase your financial security and your standing within the world of your career.

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