
There is an air of loyalty about you, mighty Leo. There always has been, and there always will be. You are the king or the queen of your world, and you have a gift for seeing what is beautiful in everything. You love to be loved and admired, and you are never more at home than when you are in the spotlight. Other people notice this about you right away, and they gravitate to your magnetic presence. You are straightforward, and you can quickly recognize a person's vices and virtues. Even so, you are warm and kind-hearted to everyone, no matter their weaknesses or problems. You can find something interesting about anyone. You are energetic and optimistic, generous to a fault, and unfailingly loyal. And while you have many, many virtuous traits, Leo, you also have a few characteristics that can hold you back if you aren't careful. You can be impatient, harsh, and critical - but usually, this is because you care so much about those you criticize, and you only want the best for them. You can be possessive and arrogant at times, but that's because your heart is so big and your passion is so boundless. In 2019, there will be a focus on possibilities that will help you soften some of your harder qualities and expand on some of your greatest virtues. These will come through seemingly random chances that you should, however, be able to recognize as golden opportunities.
Your lust for a happy love life is as big as your lust for life itself. You are a romantic at heart, Leo, and you would do almost anything for the object of your affection. You are the kind of person who will sweep someone off their feet in a dramatic way, and your entire relationship will be marked by memorable moments of romance. But it isn't always hearts and flowers with you. At times your roaring temper gets in the way, and you can easily alienate those you love the most. Your passion is so intense at times, that you get carried away and say or do something in the heat of the moment that can lead to conflict or hurt feelings. This year, you will have the chance to focus more on harmony than on being "right," and on expressing yourself rather than allowing dark feelings to fester. If you soften your approach to love, and you can still maintain the deep passion you feel, you will be the ideal mate. If you are a single lion, you should have your pick of mates in your kingdom this year. There may be many interesting love interests to choose from, but you are only looking for one. Look from the heart rather than with your eyes, and you could meet someone incredibly, extraordinarily special this year. And if you do, it could also lead to a very quick commitment. If you are attached, this year you could learn a lot more about your mate. These could be things you hadn't taken notice of before, but when you do, it could awaken a new level of passion in your romance. You may even experience such a rich level of love between you and your mate this year that it might be greater than anything you have experienced in all of your time together.
You are most likely the leader of the pack when it comes to family. You are the star others gravitate to and the one everyone turns to for advice and guidance. Your approval is often sought in big decisions, and your counsel is also sought when someone makes a mistake or needs solace. This can sometimes be a heavy role to play, and it often brings a great burden to your shoulders. You are certainly capable of handling it, Leo, but it's nice now and then to see things go smoothly and happily without your intervention. This year, you should have more peaceful moments than you have had in quite some time, as your influence has led to greater harmony in your family life. Others look up to you, and you have led by example. You may play a big role in helping out an ailing family member this year. This may be someone who is experiencing hard times in some way, and you will be instrumental in inspiring, motivating, and encouraging this person to rise above their problems and excel and thrive. You may also finally receive the expressions of gratitude and recognition that means so much to you but has been lacking in recent years.
You are a dynamo at work, Leo. You are driven to succeed, and even when you aren't motivated solely by money, you are intensely interested in what you do. You like to know what makes things tick, and you are good at understanding what you do from the foundation up. This makes you a very valuable worker, and your intensity is appreciated for anyone lucky enough to work with you. There could be numerous opportunities this year to grow in your role at work because you have been noticed frequently over the last year. If you wish to move ahead, you will be able to. If you hope to make your money, that should also be possible. If you want to change careers, open a business, or even turn to a creative outlet as a career, you should be able to accomplish that. In other words, you can write your own story this way, Leo. So, make it a good one. Use your insight to figure out what you really want, because it is likely that anything you begin this year with will be with you for quite some time. That's good news if you make good choices because it means a path ahead filled with wonderful adventures and lucrative rewards.