
Your analytical, precise way of doing things often hides your sweet, kind nature. When people meet you, they don't always see how incredibly strong and generous you can be. Although you may appear straight-laced, prudish, and extremely discriminating, you can be deeply passionate, affectionate, and giving when you reach the point of truly caring about someone. You are highly self-motivated, and you play strictly by the rules. This sometimes rubs people the wrong way, but it helps you differentiate between those you can and can't trust. And that, by the way, is something you are exceptionally good at. You can unmistakably detect a trustworthy person pretty much every time, and you can immediately recognize someone who may be underhanded or have ulterior motives. This gives you an edge in business and in personal relationships. Even when someone tries to impress you or get in good with you through demonstrative acts of courteousness or gallantry, you can see right through it. This is a valuable gift to have. Sometimes your deep need to study and evaluate everything before you get involved causes you to miss out on opportunities. You aren't usually satisfied until you have weighed and measured every aspect of an opportunity. This year, that trait may be softened through experience, still leaving the valuable ability to see through a façade as the main gift you use to further your life and your career.
In love, dear Virgo, you are not often the one who makes the first move. Even when you find someone especially appealing, you will hesitate and worry and wonder, not feeling secure enough to make your approach. That means that you sometimes miss out on meeting the people you find appealing. Someone who is interested in you will have to be fairly obvious in their affection for you, or you may not feel sure enough to come closer. Those who impress you most are usually very practical and predictable and can demonstrate their proficiency in something that interests you. You are not usually attracted to people who are unconventional or impulsive, and you sometimes can miss out on some really intriguing people because of this. If you are single, this year someone who does fit that description may compel you to come closer in order to get to know them. This might open a door to a whole new world for you, Virgo, and although you may feel shy about it at first, getting to know this person could be immensely rewarding. This person may want to move more quickly in the relationship than you are capable of, but if you continue to validate your attraction for them and your desire to learn and grow together, this could work. If you are attached, your partner may express the desire for a bit more excitement in your love life. You are most comfortable falling into a predictable pattern, but there are certainly ways you can spice up your romantic life without going over the edge. Work at it to create a more rewarding, more exciting connection.
You are the straight thinker and the problem solver of your family group, Virgo. You are the one someone turns to when there is a complex matter that no one else can make sense of. You have a way of distilling the facts down to a reasonable conclusion, making a complicated problem seem easily resolvable. You rarely express how you are feeling, which can cause a sense of distance between you and your family members. This year, someone's deeply emotional experience may bring you out of your shell and force you to deal with your own internal combustion. On the outside, you are calm and even; but on the inside, your emotions are often roiling. This experience could allow you to tap into your inner world in a way that will awaken more of your emotions, leading you to greater well-being. You can sometimes be a bit controlling when you feel a family member is not doing something in the right way or is on a path that you don't think will end well. This tendency may create strife between you and a younger family member this year, but if you can express some of your concern in a more emotional way, you may cause this person to see the logic and strength in your guidance.
Virgo people are very intelligent and very intense when it comes to their work. You have a keen intellect and an excellent memory. When faced with a business problem, you have the ability to pull it apart like a puzzle, analyze all of the pieces, and put it back together for a more perfect fit. Your rational way of thinking helps you to deal with problems at work that sometimes puts co-workers at odds with each other. Your knack for getting people on the same page makes you an excellent manager. This year, your gifts at leadership will not go unnoticed. If you work for someone other than yourself, people with influence will notice your gifts, and they may turn to you for brainstorming and leadership. You may be involved in expanding a business or in making choices that could influence the success of the company. If you work for yourself, your reputation may draw in new business that could be quite rewarding this year. You may even branch out into something related to your main work, but with differences that are quite unique and interesting. New contracts or the expansion into a new industry could mean new streams of revenue for you this year as well. Overall, you could gain momentum very quickly reaching heights you have only imagined.