
The scales of justice are the symbol of your sign because you represent fairness and balance. You are an honorable person who fights for what is right. And since your ruling planet is Venus, the planet of beauty and love, you have a visually appealing quality that can be somewhat intoxicating. You are also a true romantic. You are a great mediator in every area of life - from settling disputes between friends or family members to negotiating agreements among groups of people at work or in your neighborhood. You are often very focused on your appearance and at times you might be considered vain, but it is your love of beauty that makes you fashionable and always eager to look your best. You are tactful, refined, and responsible, and you put a lot of energy into helping others. Last year, it may have seemed that you were not recognized the way you should have been for your many wonderful qualities, especially by those you did the most for. This year the tone should change to one where your exceptional talents and characteristics will be better appreciated and rewarded. And not only will you be able to revel in all the adoration, Libra, there could also be quite substantial benefits to all that recognition. Your star is shining brightly this year. You should have more opportunities than usual. It will be up to you to make the most of those chances, of course, but you are at your best now so that should not present any problems. Love and luck are on your side, and things will be going your way. The year ahead promises to be interesting, rich in experience and in relationships, and very satisfying on many levels.
Much of your life is focused on love and on relationships, Libra. You are definitely a lover, not a fighter, but last year you may have had your fair share of battles when it came to love and romance. That may have been because you were struggling with some personal issues that left you feeling a bit out of sorts, which translated to a rocky road through love. This year, you are back on track and have found the balance you are so well known for. There is a light emanating from you this year, so whether you are single or attached, your love life should be filled with romantic moments and memorable times. Even when you have faced difficult times in your past, you have always been a fair and sensitive romantic partner. That means that even those relationships that have not worked out, have been generally amicable even when they ended - or at least you tried to end them amicably. Those qualities that make you stand out as a good partner could attract "the one" this year if you are single and looking. All that is good about you and all your best qualities are enhanced and glaringly obvious this year, so if you are out and about you are likely to run into someone who gets and appreciates you. If you are attached, your partner will find you even more alluring than usual, and your love life could heat up considerably this year as you share deep thoughts and grow closer. This would be a good year to deepen your romantic connection or start a new one. Overall, 2019 should be a good year for love for you, Libra.
You are often seen as the family mediator, Libra, and that talent you have for bringing others onto the same page may get a real workout this year. It isn't that your family members are at war with each other, but you may find yourself in the center of several issues that come up this year. The good news is that you will be able to bring everyone together in a peaceful, loving way, and best of all, you will help them find real understanding. You should also gain a deep sense of accomplishment and a feel-good vibration that lasts for a good, long time. There may be ups and downs in your family life this year from the beginning to the end. Even though nothing may turn out to be all that dramatic in the end, it could be quite a ride as you navigate from one surprise to the next, but it should be interesting. There may be a family member this year who will seek you out for guidance on a business or career-related matter. You may be hesitant to help because you will not want to be responsible for things if they don't work out, but ultimately you could do this person a lot of good. In fact, you might even find your calling on some level as you counsel this person on their best options. A younger family member may also turn to you this year in search of moral support and encouragement in some endeavor that no one but you will understand.
Your incredible charm will play a huge role in the opportunities that come your way in 2019, dear Libra. When coupled with your natural likeability and your innate trustworthy countenance, you should have your choice of options in your career this year. And if you have been thinking about starting your own business, this year would be a great time to do it or at least make the first step. It may seem that just as you think of something you want or need to further your career or business goals, that resource will arrive in an unexpected and unusual way. It's as if the stars are conspiring to help you succeed. Last year, since your hard work and creative efforts were not as recognized as they should have been, you did not soar in the way you should have. But this year you are going to be in the spotlight, and your most dazzling features and talents will become incredibly obvious. Those who are seeking out your talents will know you are the one who can change everything for the better, and you should be in big demand. You may find that many of the best chances seem to come out of the blue and at the last minute when you have little time to prepare or figure out a strategy. But you are often at your best when you are challenged or under pressure in this way, therefore you will shine brightly. Don't worry about your performance; just concentrate on enjoying your efforts and the way you present yourself, and you will be extremely impressive.