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Gemini 2019 Outlook

Gemini 2019 Outlook

You are a mysterious person, dear Gemini, even to the people who know and love you best. This is not intentional. You were born with a dual nature, often going in opposite directions at the same time. It can be hard to keep up with you - both physically and intellectually. You are brilliant, lively, and unpredictable. You are the one everyone wants to invite to their party because you are so interesting and entertaining. You can run hot and cold at the same time. And you can love someone deeply, and yet be very harsh and critical. In many ways, you are a study in contradictions. You are very insightful, and you can pick up a lot about someone just by watching them. This year, these traits could help you to achieve new heights and add to the depth of the mysterious air that surrounds you. But there will certainly be some interesting people who will want to take the time to get closer to you and figure you out.



Ahh, Gemini, your love life is sometimes the stuff of soap operas. You can love deeply, and you might swear that you can be faithful and deeply romantic; but you can turn on a dime, so your lovers often don't know what to make of you. You are hard to figure out, and to some that's intriguing, but to others, it's a sign to stay away. Because you are such a contradiction, you are often attracted to those who don't love you back, but that is changing. This year, you may be more aware of this tendency, and you may be seeking out qualities in a potential lover that will stabilize you and offer you a beautiful romantic storyline. You are gravitating toward harmony and away from instability. You are more intrigued this year by honesty and depth. You are surer of what you need now. You are growing in many ways now - spiritually, ethically, and in your interest in the world around you. As a romantic partner, you may have more of a craving this year for harmony than for excitement. These realizations will be very good for your love life in 2019. While your love life may have gone off the rails at times in 2018, this year it will bring you more of what you really need. If you have a significant other, dear Gemini, the energy of this year will be excellent for both of you. You should have many opportunities to grow closer and to enjoy a richer, deeper connection. You may have many opportunities to get off by yourselves this year. And even a trip to a historic site or a museum can be romantic and interesting, so say yes to as many of those bonding times as possible. If you are single, you will have a year when you can choose someone more for the qualities and the character they possess, rather than for the excitement they can bring. Because of this, you draw in and meet people who will actually be good for you, bringing out your better qualities and making your life more even-keeled and steady. And believe it or not, Gemini, this new way will actually be exciting for you. There can be great joy and excitement in a harmonious love life.



Your fickle nature often means that your emotions and behavior run hot and cold in general, and especially so with family. After all, no one knows you better, and you can feel more at ease in how you relate. Unfortunately, that can also mean that you aren't as careful about sparing someone's feelings or speaking your mind aggressively - even when you know it could start an argument. The year may begin with a series of conflicts between you and one or more of your family members. This may stem from differences in your beliefs in values, but it could easily escalate into a conflict of personalities that will be harder to resolve. Keep any such discussions in check, though, and you should be fine. Try to be more nurturing of those you love this year, and you will be surprised by the grand way you are received. Since this may be unexpected of you, others will have a greater appreciation for your kindness and thoughtfulness, Gemini. And when you experience that kind of a reaction, it can help you to evolve further to become even more naturally nurturing. An important development within your family toward the middle of the year may be quite exciting and could change the dynamic for the better in some of your most important family relationships. This news could also affect you financially in some positive way.



Your mercurial nature sometimes causes you troubles at work. You are independent and that means you do not like deferring to someone who can dictate what you do or who breathes over your shoulder. For those reasons, you are someone who would do well running your own business and being your own boss. Then again, with the right dynamic, Gemini, you can be a great team player. You do aim to please, and you do appreciate being acknowledged and recognized for your efforts; and in the right environment, you really can thrive when you work for another person or a large company. This year, you may find that chances come to you throughout the year for a wide variety of work roles, and you may appreciate each chance to learn something new. It would be good for you to explore any new opportunities that can teach you something you didn't know, which can broaden your reach and give you greater potential in your career. If you do choose to go into business for yourself, this can be a tricky but successful year as long as you remain focused and driven to succeed. If you let anything slip, you might have a harder time than usual catching up. But the more momentum you build, the more you will get an intoxicating taste for success. Your work this year could involve some travel, even if it is just frequent travel to locations nearby. You may also expand on what you do or come up with new ideas that your bosses or clients are quite thrilled about. Overall this can be a year of great growth in your career.

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