How To Get Your Spouse to Buy YOU Jewelry!
Everyone’s been there, especially with companies social media’s constantly upping their game on ways to catch your attention.
But wait.. What do you mean, your guy doesn’t buy you jewelry?
There can be a lot of reasons he doesn't buy you jewelry and believe it or not, you're probably to blame, if not fully, at least partially. Most men have a hard time coming up with gift ideas anyways, but jewelry, wow, that's tough.
When a guy buys a gift, he wants to get it right, he wants to be recognized for his efforts. With the purchase of jewelry, guys can be wrong in a zillion different ways.
Wrong color gold, wrong size, wrong size ring, or in the case it’s just “not you” (you might love bracelets, don't like earrings, or vice versa. Many times, a guy has tried to buy something in the past and gotten it wrong (easy with all these choices).
Sometimes you just have to step up to the plate and let him know things you like.
Let’s be real if he feels he can't WIN, he won't play the game. He won't go online & shop for you because he associates buying you jewelry with NOT WINNING.
You need to help him win. He wins, you win, we all win. Make him the hero & you'll get his appreciation, every time.
One suggestion is to let him know what you like, this can be out of nowhere even. Instagram makes it so easy! You can send items though social networks, bookmarks, or if your bold enough, TAG him in post. Better yet, you could browse on your cellphone of pc in front of him and make sure he sees it. Always be vocal about something you like! If he’s smart he will catch on and have his own very gift guide to your heart.
Remember, in this situation we are trying to accomplish two things:
1)Get the jewelry you want
2)Have your spouse be the 'HERO' for making you happy. It works, believe me!
Liberato Stile, of Texas, are one of my absolute favorite companies. They incorporate vintage, reconstructed high end brands into their jewelry and are always the IN trend.