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Cancer 2019 Outlook

Cancer 2019 Outlook

You may have wondered often throughout 2018 why those things that were most important to you were not working out as you had envisioned. You may have pondered if your expectations were too high, if you weren't being realistic in your pursuits, or even if you simply were not meant to have those special things in your life. But in 2019, when you least expect it, dear Cancer, life will begin to turn around for you. If you are reading this forecast early in the year, you may be very skeptical of this message. Right now, it seems too much to believe that some of your dreams actually could come true, but you will see that many wonderful things are possible for you in 2019. Your home-loving nature will be significantly settled and happily tucked in to a place you have envisioned for your life at some point this year. That means that the home life you have dreamt of is now within reach. Your tenacity, fiery determination, passion, and hard work will bring that dream to you in 2019, and it will feel just as you imagined it would. You are soft and sentimental, creative and imaginative, and you are a spiritual searcher. All of these characteristics will be further enhanced this year, and your involvement in exploring these aspects of yourself will lead you to paths you had never dreamed of. Don't be afraid to transcend beyond former boundaries or get to know people that you might not ordinarily want to know. While the year may comprise a lot of mystery for you, that sense of mystery will keep you learning, growing, and evolving.



Many people of your sign experienced a love life that was less than satisfying last year. You may have thought it was going in the right direction, only to awaken to realizations that things were not as they seemed. Romance and loyalty are incredibly important to you, and if you don't have that in your mate - the one who should be closest to you and should have your back - you are not a happy person. And if you discover that someone you love is not someone you can trust, you are not afraid to walk away and either look for someone new or find a way to be happy alone. Although you may have developed a skeptical, cynical attitude about love in recent months or even years, events of this year may be able to change your outlook and give you hope again for the fairy tale you dream of. If you are attached, this will mean a chance to see your lover in a new way, plumbing the depths of the experiences you have shared, and recognizing that this person really does believe in you. Your best bet will be to maintain a list of reasons you love this individual and turn to those notes each time you experience a setback. Reminding yourself of the reasons you fell in love in the first place will be instrumental in keeping your union strong and flourishing. If you are single, your love life should begin to thrive early in the year. Even if you had a lengthy dry spell where your love life was concerned last year, this year you should experience restoration of your faith in love and enjoyment that relationships can bring. If you had a disappointing relationship last year, it may have put you off even bothering to look for love, but someone may come along this year who will make you rethink all of that cynicism and questioning. If you do find this person, don't hesitate to commit and to work at making it the best romance ever.



Your sign represents the epitome of family. You are anchored by your parental instinct. Even if you don't have children, you are someone that other people turn to for guidance and nurturing. You may play a parental role in many areas of your life - including with your own family. You may even be able to take on a guiding role with your own parents in certain ways! You are wise and encouraging; you are gentle and generous, and you are unfailingly reliable and loyal. These are traits everyone has - or wishes they had - in their parents. Despite all of your amazing qualities, though, you may have had more than your fair share of family drama in the last year, Cancer. There may be one long-standing grudge (or simply a lack of affection) between you and one critical family member. You may think this simply can't change, but it can. This year, events that occur could push you closer to this person, and at first, you may wonder why, but the purpose will become clear. Stay upbeat and hopeful, and you could gain a new ally in this family member. There could also be some huge transition connected to your family this year. Someone you are quite close to may choose to move far away or fall out of your life in another way or simply change something that you have gotten used to in a dramatic way. But there is nothing stopping you from joining them if you choose. While the first half of the year may be filled with small troubles connected to family, the second half will be unifying, and for someone as family oriented as you are, this will be a very welcome thing.


Your career may have been a source of uncertainty, instability, and diminished confidence over the last year or perhaps even longer. Although you are a loyal hard worker, someone in a position of power either did not recognize your talents and dedication, or they had a high level of jealousy for you. This person may have blocked good things from happening in your career, but that experience can no longer affect you. This year, Cancer, your career is on the upswing and on many levels. If you work for someone else, your unique abilities are sure to be broadly recognized, and the opportunity to grow and to influence the success of those you work for will be ever-present. You may see a dramatic increase in your income or at least the prospect of that in the near future. If you work for yourself, you may make connections this year that will catapult you to a steeper level of success. You could make friends with people in higher places this year, and these connections could be just what you need to help you reach another echelon of success. You may even be able to mentor or guide someone who puts you on a pedestal. If you have a creative goal of your own, this could be the year you get your big break. And if you do, it could be extraordinarily big.


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