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You may be one of the most eccentric signs of the zodiac, dear Aquarius. And because you are also so independent, not a lot of people are able to get to know you fully. This may lead to talk that you are offbeat or unusual, even though you are quite a logical and practical person. Sometimes your aloof demeanor puts people off, but you may just seem distracted so frequently because you are so gifted intellectually. Your mind is very curious, and your wheels are always turning. You are a study in contrasts, Aquarius. You like to have a strong plan and know where you are going in life at all times, but you can also be quite spontaneous and you love surprises. You are a hard one to figure out for a lot of people, which often keeps certain people at arm's length. But for those who get to know you, you can be a delightful companion. Your brilliant mind is intriguing, and your values and morals are stellar. Still, you often feel misunderstood, and in all truth, you often are. But it should not matter to you what "most" people think. You need to cultivate and pour your energy only into those who are the most meaningful to you. In 2019, you will find that your relationships grow closer, your dreams crystallize, and the path to making them true becomes more obvious. You like to move quickly once you make up your mind about where you want to go and what you want to do, so don't despair if the year gets off to a slow start. The pace will pick up rapidly.



Love is often a tricky area of your life, Aquarius. Although you long for companionship with someone who truly understands you, it can be difficult to find the perfect mate. You have a deep desire to find someone who is your intellectual equal and who gets your eccentric ways, yet your aloof style and sometimes distant demeanor make it difficult to form close bonds. You have very high standards too, and if one small thing turns you off, you are not likely to take the time to further explore and get to know someone new. For those born under your sign who are single, this year might present a challenge in terms of finding what you want in a mate. You may be extra-introspective at the beginning of the year, even though you may have a powerful goal to find that someone special. You will have to come out of your shell and allow yourself to be more vulnerable if you really want to be in a relationship. If you are attached, you will need to work extra hard at developing intimacy with your romantic partner. That may mean revealing a deeper part of yourself that you sometimes keep hidden. Showing richer glimpses of yourself will make you more endearing and will deepen your connection with your significant other.



Although you may not be the most demonstrative member of the family, and although you may not verbally tout your love for your family members, you are very devoted to your family. When someone needs you, Aquarius, you are there for them - whether it's to help out with something, to offer advice, or simply to be a shoulder to cry on. However, because you can be distant at times, and you don't always keep your loved ones up to your activities and changes in your life, there can be misunderstandings and conflicts. If you make a point of staying connected, though, these kinds of disagreements can be avoided. But despite any recent conflicts, you can expect very positive relations with your family in 2019. There should be harmony, tranquility, and peaceful interactions. There should also be a lot of family related social activities this year as well. This will bring you closer and should enhance the existing bonds, making them deeper and stronger. This year, you may make a connection through a family member that could turn out to be extremely rewarding and enjoyable on both personal and professional level. You may also be inspired by a family member to make a major change in your life that could take you off toward exciting new horizons.


There is great potential for Aquarius people to have a very stable, rewarding year where career, business, and finances are concerned. This is due in no small part to your dedication to your goals in the past and to your painstaking approach to building a stellar reputation. Because you are a visionary, there are many who look up to you and turn to you for inspiration. If you have the chance of being a mentor to someone this year, take it. It will be a mutually beneficial relationship where you both will have the chance to learn and grow. You may build momentum quickly this year, and there may be a temptation to spend big as well; but that should be avoided - at least until you know for sure you can definitely afford this at the moment. Once your finances stabilize, you can always get back to this. You may find that you will need funds for something important, and you want to be able to count on your financial security. This will not be anything that could seriously drag you down, but if you are careful, you will have added peace of mind, which will certainly enhance your ventures. Investments are favored this year, as long as you do the proper research and you don't leave any stone unturned in seeking information so that you know what you are getting into. This is the way to avoid surprises and to feel secure about planning and strategizing. Overall, this should be a very auspicious year that will solidify your good reputation and underscore your skills and talents.

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